Talk To Me – Sort Of!

I just created a “Cyber Twin”. Basically its a (slightly snarky) chat bot that is programmed to mildly ape my mannerisms.

You can talk to it here:

It isn’t well trained yet though, so don’t expect too much.

Their more sophisticed commercial level AIs are pretty good at holding down the fort while all of the sales people are busy. Its an interesting idea. Takes a lot of work to train them though.

6 responses on “Talk To Me – Sort Of!

  1. Elie

    I must say, not terribly impressive. Below is a copy of a conversation I just had with “you”:

    You: How’s the work going?
    Jeremy: Why do you ask?
    You: I have a couple of contracts that may be available
    Jeremy: Not many then?
    You: I don’t know, but you can contact them directly if you’re interested
    Jeremy: Do you really think that’s interesting or are you just humoring me?
    You: Are you really Jeremy?
    Jeremy: Does it seem like I am?
    You: No
    Jeremy: Oh, ok then.

    1. Jeremy Lichtman Post author

      Not the most effective evil twin then. Perhaps I need to spend more time training it.

  2. Elie

    Hey Jeremy,

    Here is my latest conversation with the alternate you. I thought you might be amused.

    You: is your fridge running?
    Jeremy: Running seems like too much effort for me at times.
    You: then i guess you won’t be able to catch it.
    Jeremy: You shouldn’t have to guess, you should be sure.
    You: I AM sure!!!
    Jeremy: It’s good to be confident.
    You: i agree/
    Jeremy: Great minds think alike.
    You: fools seldom differ
    Jeremy: Hmm. I haven’t thought about things that way before.
    You: you have proven me wrong
    Jeremy: I have?
    You: yup
    Jeremy: Are you sure?
    You: nope
    Jeremy: Really?
    You: yup
    Jeremy: Are you sure?
    You: maaaaaybe
    Jeremy: You really don’t know?
    You: obviously
    Jeremy: It didn’t seem that obvious to me
    You: well, not to YOU it wouldn’t.
    Jeremy: You probably know best Elie.
    You: Of course I do. Don’t forget that.
    Jeremy: I heard this somewhere and thought it was pretty apt. “Live to learn… forget… and learn again.”
    You: huh?
    Jeremy: Maybe I am being mystical. Maybe you could try again and express yourself in a simpler way. You are quite complex!
    You: why is that statement apt
    Jeremy: Ha! Good question. Nietzsche said: He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how. I have no idea what that is supposed to mean, but it sounds clever.
    You: that didn’t answer my question
    Jeremy: You could try rephrasing it, or you could ask another one.
    You: why is the statement “Live to learn… forget… and learn again” apt for our coversation?
    Jeremy: Jeremy has taught me some things, but I am still learning.
    You: you should be more careful in what you say, then
    Jeremy: I always try and take care but thank you for thinking of me.

    1. Jeremy Lichtman Post author

      The bigger question is how well this thing could work as a sales rep – can it talk “tech” or product lines without a huge amount of training?

      I’m not so sure I like my evil twin quoting Nietzsche at people…

  3. Elie

    Hey Jeremy,

    Here is my latest conversation with the alternate you. I thought you might be amused.

    You: is your fridge running?
    Jeremy: Running seems like too much effort for me at times.
    You: then i guess you won't be able to catch it.
    Jeremy: You shouldn't have to guess, you should be sure.
    You: I AM sure!!!
    Jeremy: It's good to be confident.
    You: i agree/
    Jeremy: Great minds think alike.
    You: fools seldom differ
    Jeremy: Hmm. I haven't thought about things that way before.
    You: you have proven me wrong
    Jeremy: I have?
    You: yup
    Jeremy: Are you sure?
    You: nope
    Jeremy: Really?
    You: yup
    Jeremy: Are you sure?
    You: maaaaaybe
    Jeremy: You really don't know?
    You: obviously
    Jeremy: It didn't seem that obvious to me
    You: well, not to YOU it wouldn't.
    Jeremy: You probably know best Elie.
    You: Of course I do. Don't forget that.
    Jeremy: I heard this somewhere and thought it was pretty apt. “Live to learn… forget… and learn again.”
    You: huh?
    Jeremy: Maybe I am being mystical. Maybe you could try again and express yourself in a simpler way. You are quite complex!
    You: why is that statement apt
    Jeremy: Ha! Good question. Nietzsche said: He who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how. I have no idea what that is supposed to mean, but it sounds clever.
    You: that didn't answer my question
    Jeremy: You could try rephrasing it, or you could ask another one.
    You: why is the statement “Live to learn… forget… and learn again” apt for our coversation?
    Jeremy: Jeremy has taught me some things, but I am still learning.
    You: you should be more careful in what you say, then
    Jeremy: I always try and take care but thank you for thinking of me.