Tag Archives: web

The MVC Blues

A short, techy comment (for a change).

I’m currently working on fixing a mess that somebody else made. They used all the right tools (Zend, MVC pattern etc) but then proceeded to make every possible mistake. In any given situation where a design decision was needed, they made the wrong choice.

The specific issue I’m dealing with is that I need to replace the look of the website with a new “template”. Unfortunately, the original developers didn’t stick to the MVC pattern – there’s presentation layer code in the controllers, and controller code in the html fragment files. Ugly.

So here’s the informal poll:

  • Struggle on, through wind, snow and hail, until the destination is achieved.
  • Toss the whole thing in the garbage heap and start anew.
  • Hire an international hitman to address the culprits directly.
  • Run, screaming.

I think I already know what Sol is going to say.

Disclaimer: For those without humour: the third option is intended to be mildly funny, somewhat sarcastic, and not even slightly realistic.